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Thursday 1 December 2011

As predicted

i have the most brutal hangover. Nothing a few toasted waffles and cranberry juice cant fix. The only reason i havent started drinking again this morning is because i cant afford it. I just re-read the post that I made last night (see below), and even though im sober now it still makes sense. i wont edit it at all.
she text me last night, and cancelled our arranged meeting for today. i found myself drinking faster. i was very drunk at the time and it made me sad that i wouldnt get to see her. i had to leave everyone and go sit on the stairs.
Everyone is saying its good, telling me to take a chance, and its nice seeing me like this with a girl, and other things i dont want to hear.
I dont know this girl at all. I met her in a fucking pub, i've been out with her once and the only reason we had a good time was because we were getting wasted. she could be the biggest bitch on earth, she could be deceitful and manipulative. she probably is. i dont know what to think anymore. this is why emotions are illogical, they are stopping my brain from functioning properly.
i want to stay single for the entire of university. thats a year and a half left to go.
in the shorter term, i want to get away from everything for a while. go live somewhere else, maybe only for a weekend.
i'll be back home soon enough, the christmas holidays arent far off and my birthday is the 27th, i need to go and see my parents and sleep in a bed that doesnt smell like whiskey.

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